"High quality is reasonableprice"
Among the wide range of QuattroPellet's own products, we offer customers only high-quality products at affordable prices.
Among the line of products of our own production, we highlight the main ones:

Light fuel pellets "ELIT"
Light fuel pellets "ELIT" - premium class.
The main question, why are they light shades?
Such a characteristic feature is born due to the removal of the bark from the wood before processing. In addition, this effect is possible only with proper drying of wood.
They are classified as premium class due to their low ash content, approximately 0.2%.
This means that you need to clean the boilers twice as often after using this material. They are made from sawdust of soft and hard wood species.
This type of fuel has significant advantages over other types:
Environmental friendliness. The material, created from natural raw materials, is characterized by high environmental performance.
Economic component. The transition to affordable fuel will reduce dependence on traditional energy resources: oil and gas.
A little ashiness. Makes it possible not to waste time on constant cleaning of the boiler.
Aesthetic appearance. Pellets are really attractive with their light tones.
They do not have an unpleasant smell. Unlike gas heating.
They do not reduce the humidity in the air, which is characterized by a huge heat transfer.

"CLASSIC" gray fuel pellets
"CLASSIC" gray fuel pellets differ from white pellets in a darker color.
This is due to the fact that wood with natural moisture was used in the production of wooden products, and the waste from such production was immediately dried and granulated. When drying at high temperatures, the wood darkens, so the pellet becomes gray, but this process does not affect the fuel qualities of the pellets, their ash content ranges from 0.4 to 0.7%.
They have a thermal energy value no worse than premium-class pellets.
Gray pellets have serious advantages over other types of fuel:
Ecological raw materials. A natural product is always better than hybrid-chemical processes of traditional heating.
Price. Gray granules are affordable.
Ease of transportation. Their shape facilitates quite simple movement of products.
They do not have an explosive component, which cannot be said about the gas system.
Wood and its derivative materials do not affect allergy sufferers and do not cause asthma.
In terms of heat capacity, the oldest type of fuel, coal, prevails. The heat of combustion of pellets is about five kW / h per kg.

Dry pine shavings perfectly absorb moisture and odor, prevent the reproduction of bacteria and fungi.
The product undergoes heat treatment, before pressing, the shavings are cleaned of dust and foreign objects, after processing, they are packed into briquettes, which prevents contamination of the territory and optimizes storage both indoors and outdoors.
- Humidity: up to 12%;
- Large fraction: fraction size: (1.5 x 3 cm.);
- Briquette size: (35 x 45 x 50), weight 18 kg (+/- 5%), 42 pcs. on a pallet (1x1.2); - - Loading: 22 pallets + manual stacking - (1056 pcs.) - (19 volumes);
- Small: fraction size: (0.5 x 1 cm.).
- Briquette size: (35 x 45 x 55), weight 20 kg. (+/- 5%) 42 pcs on a pallet (1x1.2);
- Loading: 22 pallets + manual stacking - (1050 pcs.) (21 tons).

Granulated bran can have different applications: animal feed, fuel, food product, filler, even cosmetic product.
The main application of bran is feed for animals: cattle (cattle, small cattle), pigs and poultry (as a supplement).
Taking into account the significant increase in prices for wood pellets, the use of seed pellets allows you to significantly reduce heating costs. In terms of calorific value, bran pellets are almost not inferior to wood pellets, but this is compensated by its significantly lower cost of about 4%) compared to wood pellets. Tests on the burning of agricultural pellets proved that it is not prone to caking, and combustion takes place in full. Given that the main users of this type of fuel are private households, the enterprise produces pellets with a diameter of 6 mm, which allows it to be used in most solid fuel boilers operating on pellets.
Bran is a by-product of boroinnome production; they consist of shells and other parts of the grain. bran bai and and for vitamins, especially E, B1, B2, and tako; minerals: potassium, zinc, iron, calcium, selenium. However, bran is most valued for its fiberother feed for all types of farm animals.
Bran is a loose product. In the process of storing bran in loose form, cuttings lose quality indicators, because oxidation processes are activated, characterized by a significant increase in the acid number of fat, and microbiological processes are intensified. In order to extend the shelf life, ease of transportation, ease of use, increase in volume, and improve the quality of the finished product, special processing is used - granulation. Granulation compacts the bran by an average of five times.
Since bran contains many vitamins, it is possible to add it to the diet of animals. The product contains a mass part of crude protein ~ 17.5%, and a mass part of crude fiber ~ 17.4%.